Faculties of ShibAcademy

Faculty of Fire

How to burn the villian's base to the ground with just one match? Or put out a wildfire size of Australia? On the Faculty of Fire Shibs are learn how to control a fiery element.

Alumni: Ninja

Faculty of Ice Do you wanna know how to freeze your enemies by just a sight? Then you are welcome to the Faculty of Ice. Brrrr.

Alumni: Assassin

Faculty of Explosion

We learn how to make up a unique bombs, firecrackers and fireworks on the most explosive faculty of the Academy.

Alumni: Joke

Faculty of Electricity

Catch a lightning and throw it into your enemy. You can also recharge the cells all around with the power of thought!

Alumni: Sailor

Faculty of Herbs

Few now that just a couple of bamboo sprouts are enough to defeat the evil's army. Do you want to know how? You are welcome to Faculty of Herbs.

Alumni: Forest Nymph

Faculty of Water

Water is live. Or a death! It depends on do the students of the Faculty of Water like you or not.

Alumni: Jack

Faculty of Invincibility The students of the Faculty of Invinvubility are the bravest Shibs in the world. They are not afraid of neither weapon nor spells thanks to their defence skills.

Alumni: Wolve

Faculty of Sorcery Avada Kedavra or Abracadabra? Doesn't matter. You need just one magic word to defeat the enemy. Please be careful and try not to turn your dean into a toad.

Alumni: Wizard

Faculty of Animals You doesn't need to levitate if you wanna fly. You can summon a pack of owls that can bring you into any place around the world. You should know the animal language.

Alumni: Frankenstein

Faculty of Dream One, two, three... everyone is sleeping like a baby. And we can slip into the enemies' minds to know their devious plans.

Alumni: Black

Faculty of Wind Hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons are the main weapon of Faculty of Wind students. They can transfer the whole evil's army into the Pole by one gust of wind.

Alumni: Cyber

Faculty of Earth The students of the Faculty of Earth are train to move mountains and originate earthquakes by the power of thought. Don't mess with these cuties!

Alumni: Explorer

Faculty of Live Drawings An ancient superpower of turning the drawings into life is the most difficult discipline in the Academy. By knowing this you can draw a shelter to hide or a fat steak for lunch.

Alumni: Harvie

Faculty of Time Everybody knows the alumnies of this faculty as time masters. They can make time stop or turn back time.

Alumni: Chronos

Faculty of Alchemy The ancient knowledge let the alumnies to turn stones into gold and turn their enemies into madrake root.

Alumni: Alchemist

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